Hunter x Hunter released devastating news for Shonen fans to cap off 2022, as author Yoshihiro Togashi revealed he was suffering from continued health issues and would take the manga back on hiatus. While we might not see new manga chapter released on a regular basis, fans continue to celebrate the world of hunters that has become a fan-favorite in the Shonen world. One cosplayer has brought together both Gon’s original form and his ultimate transformation in a powerful new video.
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Even though Hunter x Hunter has returned, Gon has remained absent during the Succession Contest Arc, meaning it’s been over eight years since the Shonen star played a role in the series. Togashi deciding to focus on different hunters as the main characters isn’t anything new for the Shonen series, though the protagonist’s absence has certainly been notable for fans following the manga. With Togashi looking to continue the series on a schedule that isn’t weekly, no one knows when we might see Gon return, though it will make for a major event when the powerful young hero does.
Hunter x Cosplay
Anime Cosplayer Tailor Made Savage shared an impressive Tik Tok Video in which she was able to combine the aesthetics of both Gon’s normal, young self with the powerful adult version of the hero that first hit the scene during the Chimera Ant Arc and came with a serious price:
Unfortunately for Gon, his transformation came with a serious price, as he was able to draw upon all of the Nen energy that he would ever use, but had seemingly lost his ability to use any of that energy in the future. Of course, with this being anime, after all, we foresee Gon somehow regaining his abilities for some challenges in the future, though when is another question altogether.
Much like the manga, the anime adaptation has an unknown future as no word has been unveiled when it comes to the original television series returning and/or a new take on the world of hunters hitting the small screen.
Do you think Gon will one day bust out his ultimate form in the future of Hunter x Hunter? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the hunters.