The Stone Ocean helped to introduce the first female protagonist of the killer franchise known as JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, with Netflix releasing the first twelve episodes of the anime adaptation last year. With fans awaiting news on when new installments of the series by David Production will land, it seems that Jolyne and company have entered into a unique partnership with an eye liner company to give each of the Stand Users their own unique cosmetic lines to help fans once again dive into the Stone Ocean.
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In the first twelve episodes of the Stone Ocean that hit Netflix last year, we were able to see Jolyne Cujoh placed into Green Dolphin Street Penitentiary and have a reunion with her father, the star of Stardust Crusaders, Jotaro Kujo. Given a Stand of her own in Stone Free, or Stone Ocean in the English Dub, Jolyne has wasted little time in fighting for her life within the walls of this prison as a plan put into motion by the deceased villain Dio Brando is being undertaken by the prison’s priest Pucci and his nefarious Stand known as Whitesnake. Needless to say, the series only gets crazier from here.
The company Love Liner shared a new video showing off the new eyeliners that are modeled from some of the biggest characters of the Stone Ocean, including Jolyne Cujoh, Jotaro Kujo, Foo Fighters, Ermes Costello, Weather Report, and Anasui to round out the heroes of the current season of Hirohiko Araki’s greatest franchise:
While the world of anime is still set to release new episodes of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, the medium of manga is definitely taking things up a notch by providing fans of the franchise some major stories in print. With a current spin-off story focusing on the star of Diamond Is Unbreakable currently running in Crazy Diamond’s Demonic Heartbreak, this month will see the arrival of a new JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure magazine which will give fans two new spin-off stories which will bring back beloved characters Iggy and Lisa Lisa back into the spotlight.
Are you hyped for the eventual return of the Stone Ocean on Netflix? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joestars.