JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has found success despite the fact that each new saga introduces new heroes and villains to the anime franchise that spawned from the mind of creator Hirohiko Araki. While Netflix recently aired the Stone Ocean anime that focused on Jolyne Cujoh, the manga has continued marching forward with the likes of Steel Ball Run, JoJolion, and The JOJOLands to name a few. To help celebrate the early days of the Joestar bloodline, the series is preparing to release new adorable plushes for both heroes and villains alike.
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JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has slowly become a major anime hit not just thanks to Japan’s numerous fans, but also its rising popularity in North America and around the world. The anime adaptation for the series has been created by David Production for over a decade at this point, though the studio has yet to confirm if new seasons will arrive on Netflix and/or any additional streaming services to continue the Joestars’ story. In the manga, a new journey has begun for the two new Joestars leading the charge in Jodio and Dragona, who are attempting to simply make as much cash as humanely possible rather than attempting to save the world.
JoJo’s Plush Adventure
Bandai will be releasing the new line of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure plushes later this year in December, not only spotlighting the human characters of the anime but many of their Stands to boot. You can check out the upcoming plush designs below which will include the following characters, Jonathan, Dio, Joseph, Kars, Jotaro, DIO, Star Platinum, The World, Josuke, Kira, Crazy Diamond, Killer Queen, Giorno, Diavolo, Gold Experience, and King Crimson.
The Joestars have had a big year in 2023, not just thanks to the arrival of The JOJOLands in the franchise’s manga, but thanks to the arrival of the live-action spin-off film, Rohan At The Louvre. If you didn’t have the chance to catch this side story taking place in France in theaters, it is currently available to stream on Amazon Prime Video. While Kishibe Rohan might not be a Joestar, he might appear far more than other heroes in the series.
Which of these plushes will you aim to add to your Joestar collection? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joestars.