One Jujutsu Kaisen animation has gone viral for bringing a big fight for Sukuna to life long before we would get to see it in the second season! Jujutsu Kaisen’s first season was a huge success with fans through the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 slates, and even boosted the sales of Gege Akutami’s original manga series to boot. There might not have been a confirmation of a second season of the series just yet, but the anime franchise will be continuing with a new feature film adapting the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 prequel this Winter.
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This is interesting because not only does the prequel fill in some of the gaps that are coming in the future of the series, but it also lends more credibility to the big teases for the second season found in the first season. This includes the allusions to the Shibuya Incident that features the biggest fight for Sukuna in the manga series to date. This fight is such a big deal that artist @Ujikuso couldn’t wait to see it in action for the new season and brought it to life with a slick animation. Check it out below:
Coldrain X ๅช่กๅปปๆฆ
โ ๅฎๆฒป (@Ujikuso) April 3, 2021
Without giving away too much about what this fight entails or when in the Shibuya Incident it takes place, but this major arc will likely arrive with a full second season of the anime. It’s the longest arc in the manga as of this writing, and has some of the most intense battles yet. It’s so big in fact that it has changed the status quo of the series forever, and the manga is still getting the pieces in place for its next big arc.
The second season of the anime is one fans definitely want to see in action considering the response to the first season, but one has yet to be confirmed as of this writing. Jujutsu Kaisen 0 will be building a bridge between the first and second season by filling in some major gaps in the past (along with detailing who this mysterious Yuta Okkotsu really is), so a second season coming afterwards will only make sense.
But what do you think? Are you hoping to see a second season of Jujutsu Kaisen someday? Excited to see Sukuna unleash some real power in the next season? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!