Junji Ito has certainly earned his place as a master of horror in the anime sphere, producing countless creepy tales over the decades. With two anime adaptations arriving thanks to both Adult Swim’s Uzumaki and Netflix’s Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre, it’s no surprise to see that a new line of clothing inspired by the creepy aesthetic that Ito lays out on the page has made its way to consumers. Halloween might be over, but for Junji Ito, the spooky season never ends.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Uzumaki first hit the scene as a scary manga series in 1998, covering the tale of a town that finds itself falling under a curse in which an obsession with spirals began reverberating through both its citizens and its environment. With this curse taking unique forms such as re-animating a corpse with a spring for legs, transforming people into slugs, and even allowing street toughs to take control of tornadoes beneath their feet. While Adult Swim’s anime adaptation has been delayed as a result of production issues related to the coronavirus pandemic, the footage released by Toonami has had fans taking note of the series that might just be the closest to Junji Ito’s original vision.
The Master of Scares, Mr. Ito
The clothing producers at Culture Fly have released a number of new articles of attire depicting some of the creepiest creations that sprang from his most popular series, Uzumaki, which is set to potentially be the best anime adaptation that sprang from his past works in the manga world:
While Uzumaki might be one of Ito’s biggest stories, the mangaka has unleashed numerous campfire tales throughout the years. Some of which are set to be brought to life via Netflix’s Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre, which will arrive early next year for streaming subscribers. Adapting such spine-chilling stories as The Hanging Balloons, Ice Cream Trunk, and Where The Sandman Dwells to name a few, Ito has earned his place as an anime master of horror more than a few times over.
What is your favorite story from the mangaka’s history? Which anime project following Junji Ito are you most looking forward to between Uzumaki and Maniac? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Junji Ito.