Mob Psycho 100 is one of the most beloved anime series to arrive in the past few years, following the supernatural adventures of the young man named Mob that was created by the same creative mind behind the eccentric anime series known as One Punch Man. With a new tweet being released by the animation director of the series, Yuzuru Tachikawa, asking fans for support and the main account for Mob Psycho 100 apparently counting down to something that is yet unknown, fans are hoping that we are about to get confirmation that season three is in the works.
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The second season of Mob Psycho 100 came to an end in 2019, but subsequently had two subsequent original video animations that helped continue the story, via Reigen The Miraculous Unknown Psychic that explored the hilarious supporting character, alongside The Spirits and Such Consultation Office’s First Company Outing, A Healing Trip That Warms The Heart. While the manga came to a close in 2017, it’s clear that fans are dying to see more adventures of the psychic hero get more animated action, with the series most likely bringing back the animation studio that was responsible for all of its episodes and original video animations in Studio Bones, who is also in charge of My Hero Academia and the upcoming Supercrooks for Netflix.
The animation director for Mob Psycho 100, Yuzuru Tachikawa, joined in on the countdown that was started by the official Twitter Account for the anime series, leading many to believe that an announcement regarding a new season of the anime franchise might be incoming:
— 立川譲 (@usagi_rakuda) July 15, 2021
— モブサイコ100 (@mobpsycho_anime) July 16, 2021
— モブサイコ100 (@mobpsycho_anime) July 14, 2021
Both Mob Psycho 100 and One Punch Man both finished their animated runs with their second seasons, with fans of both action-packed series from the same creator, ONE, waiting to hear if each franchise will return to the world of anime, though it this point, it seems as if things are looking a tad bit better for Mob at this point.
Do you think an announcement for Mob Psycho 100’s third season is nigh? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of psychics.