
My Hero Academia Plot Hole Questions One Student’s Quirk

My Hero Academia endured one of its most turbulent reveals to date with its latest chapter, but […]

My Hero Academia endured one of its most turbulent reveals to date with its latest chapter, but the update has fans eyeing one student real hard. It is hard to look away from the aftermath of chapter 272 given all its death and utter destruction. Still, fans are asking readers step back to the start of the chapter and pay close attention to Koda as the boy should have known what was coming for them all.

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To break it down, the proposed plot hole being touted around the fandom has to do with Koda and his Quirk. The student is known for being quiet, but his Anivoice ability lets him to talk to animals. From birds to mammals and reptiles, it seems like Koda can chat up any type of living creature, so My Hero Academia fans are confused why Koda did not have a heads up about Shigaraki. After all, the animals all knew something bad was coming, but none of them said a peep to Koda.

Looking at the start of chapter 272, fans can see Koda leading a herd of animals away from town, which is cute. However, as translator Caleb Cook noted, the animals have adopted alarmed postures. The cats and dogs look perturbed based on their body language, and their anxieties are made worse when a coming scene shows birds flocking from the town in mass. Similar to how birds flee dangerous weather, they did so here just as Shigaraki let out his new powers, but Koda’s rescued litter already knew what was coming.

My Hero Academia fans are wondering why the boy didn’t catch any warning despite his ability to actually speak with animals. There is any number of reasons why the boy worked uninformed, but Koda needs to pay closer attention to his furry sidekicks. If a cat cannot express its anxiety, then its tail surely will, so Koda needs to read body language as much as he does speak their language.

Do you think this pitched plot hole is worth obsessing over or not…? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!