TheMy Hero Academia manga has kicked off Dabi’s fiery final plan against the heroes, and the newest chapter of the My Hero Academia manga has awakened Dabi’s quirk in a surprising new way! My Hero Academia has thrown the heroes for a loop as the final battles against Tomura Shigaraki and All For One begin to take their shape. It was revealed that the burning ember within Dabi’s chest following his defeat by brother Shoto Todoroki was actually an explosion that he’s been building up with the intent of blowing himself up and causing as much damage to the public as possible.ย
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The previous My Hero Academia chapters had seen the heroes scrambling to somehow catch up to Dabi while he’s intent on taking himself out, and the newest chapter of My Hero Academia has taken this to the next level as he’s burning off the final bits of his life in order to accomplish his suicidal final dream. As he continues to do so, Dabi’s body is being pushed beyond his limits and his quirk has awakened a new power as a result. There’s an ice power within him that’s seemingly keeping him alive despite his intense flames.ย

MHA: What Is Dabi’s Awakened Quirk?
My Hero Academia Chapter 387 sees Endeavor trying his best to intercept Dabi and stop his son from reaching his intended destination. Endeavor’s trying to get his son to stop this explosive rampage, but Dabi himself is long gone as his mind has essentially reverted back to childhood as his body burns away. They are fires hot enough to even burn Endeavor, and thus the hero tries to figure out how Dabi’s body is managing to keep itself together through this heat.ย
Upon touching Dabi’s chest, Endeavor finds a chunk of ice covering Dabi’s heart. It’s the root of Rei Todoroki’s icy quirk, and it’s explained through the narration that this is different from a standard Quirk Awakening. Rather than come forth due to the person’s life being in danger, it’s a power that has manifested as Dabi gets closer to death. This is Dabi’s final move, and it seems that his quirk is changing to reflect it.ย
How do you think Dabi’s awakened quirk will have an impact on his fate? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!