The My Hero Academia manga has been spending the last few chapters of the series steadily putting the pieces together for the final fights between the heroes and villains, and it seems like the latest chapter of My Hero Academia is setting up Dabi’s own suicide mission. My Hero Academia has seen Izuku Midoriya and the heroes continue to struggle against Tomura Shigaraki and All For One, and things only seem to get worse as the fights progress. But it had initially seemed like Dabi was taken out of the equation after he was beat by Shoto Todoroki when the final fights first began.ย
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When Dabi was defeated previously, however, there seemed to be something happening within his body as a small flicker of light was burning in his chest. This teased that Dabi still had a final nefarious plan in mind as the final of the fights approached, and the newest My Hero Academia unfortunately confirmed this to be the case. In fact, it’s as deadly of a plan as fans would have expected as Dabi is rigging himself to explode and take out everyone else near him while he does it.ย

MHA: What is Dabi’s Final Plan?ย
When My Hero Academia started to fully unleash Dabi and all of his secrets, it was revealed that Dabi really only seeks out a total destruction of not only the Todoroki family, but everything the hero society has done to families like his. He wants to completely destroy himself as a final message to his father, and My Hero Academia Chapter 386 takes this to the next level by confirming that Dabi indeed has been gathering a concentrated heat within his body since his fight with Shoto Todoroki.ย
It’s teased by the police’s analysis that Dabi’s been building that thermal energy and at its current pace will erupt within a few more minutes’ time. It’ll set off an explosion that will also take out everything within five kilometers, and it’s near such a key area with the civilians that it might seem like Dabi had planned this from the start. Now it’s just a matter of whether or not they can keep Dabi from exploding and killing himself along with as many other people as he can.ย
What do you think of Dabi’s final plan for My Hero Academia? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!