
My Hero Academia Season 7 Kills Off Major Pro Hero

My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 2 took out a massive pro hero!

My Hero Academia has ended the first major battle for Season 7 in a surprising way, and Episode 2 killed off a major pro hero that fans were hoping to see stick around for longer! My Hero Academia Season 7 kicked off with the highly anticipated fight between Tomura Shigaraki and Star and Stripe with its first episode that aired last week, and fans were excited to see what the United States of America’s own number one hero was capable of in the series. But as the fight continued in the newest episode, unfortunately things went south fairly quickly against Shigaraki.ย 

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My Hero Academia Season 7 fully introduced Star and Stripe to the series as it was revealed that she became America’s own number one hero after being inspired by All Might saving her in the past. She had modeled her pro hero career after All Might, and her quirk was strong enough to deal with Shigaraki after he started to absorb All For One’s power. But as Episode 2 of the anime demonstrated, it wasn’t too long before Star and Stripe reached her limits and was ultimately defeated despite her effort to bring down the terrifying villain.ย

My Hero Academia: Star and Stripe Death Explained

My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 2 picks up right after Star and Stripe held down Shigaraki temporarily with the greatest use of her New Order quirk yet. With the support of the super missiles launched from America, Tiamat, Star was able to deliver a final blow that would have taken out any other foe. But as fans saw back in Season 6, Shigaraki is much stronger than ever and he was able to avoid taking this attack head on in the brief moment that Star had loosened her grip on him with New Order.ย 

Taking advantage of this brief pause, Shigaraki makes contact with Star’s face and unleashes his decay. Her body’s stamina isn’t enough to fight off decaying even with New Order, so she decides to put all of her efforts into one last gambit. Star instead decides to put a rule on New Order itself so that it destroys other quirks. As Shigaraki takes it within his body, New Order begins to tear way at many of the other quirks he had at his disposal.ย 

So while Star and Stripe has lost her life in the fight against Shigaraki in My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 2, her final gift to the others weakened Shigaraki enough for the heroes to have a better chance at defeating him. But as we’ve seen with Star and Stripe, that’s much easier said than done.ย