Eiichiro Oda’s work ethic has become legendary in the world of anime, having spent the better part of his life over the past decades in creating the world of One Piece, and the franchise has decided to share the process with bringing certain characters to life by showing how the Shonen creator creates. With the War for Wano Arc currently taking place in the pages of One Piece’s manga, it’s clear that Oda’s artistic talents have only increased over time with scores of both heroes and villains populating each page as they battle for the fate of the isolated nation.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Oda has been no stranger regarding his plans to bring One Piece to a close, with the prolific mangaka noting in a number of interviews that he is planning to wrap the Straw Hat Pirates’ journey within the next five years. With the Wano Arc being one of the biggest arcs of the series to date, this would certainly make sense as Luffy and his crew prove themselves that much closer to making the captain of the Thousand Sunny the king of the pirates. Needless to say, however, the franchise comes to a close, it’s clear that Eiichiro is aiming for the fences, giving the anime franchise some of its best artwork ever.
One Piece’s Official Twitter Account shared the process of Eiichiro Oda drawing an ensemble piece that brings together both heroes and villains from the world of the Grand Line, showing that even after over two decades, the mangaka hasn’t missed a beat when it comes to his art:
— ONE PIECEスタッフ【公式】 (@Eiichiro_Staff) March 8, 2021
ONE PIECEは表紙&巻頭カラー!今回も尾田さんの制作過程動画をどうぞ!
このあとのペンとコピックで塗られた美麗原画は果たして…!?本誌の扉絵で是非確認しよう!✨#今週のワンピ pic.twitter.com/k4ZAEYTAoz
Toei Animation has done a fantastic job of translating Oda’s artwork from the manga, as the flashback for Wano’s Oden has given us some of the most stylish shots of the anime to date.
What do you think of Oda’s artistic process? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line.