One Piece Cliffhanger Circles Back to Wano's Worst Ruler

The War For Wano Arc has had plenty of surprises for the Straw Hat Pirates, the resistance fighters of Wano, and the Beast Pirates as the fate of the isolated nation hangs in the balance, with the final page of the latest chapter of One Piece throwing in a surprising return for a character who was previously thought dead. With Luffy returning to battle riding atop the pink dragon form of the son of Kozuki Oden, Momonosuke, the Straw Hat Pirate captain will surely be shocked to discover that one of the biggest villains of Wano has made a return.

Warning. If you don't want the latest chapter of One Piece's manga, Chapter 1026, spoiled, along with the big villainous return in its pages, steer clear as we'll be diving into serious spoiler territory.

To the shock of readers of Eiichiro Oda's Shonen epic, it seems that the pint-sized menace who once ruled Wano Country with an iron fist has returned once again, as the final page of Chapter 1026 sees Orochi peaking through a doorway, witnessing the carnage that is expanding before him. In the One Piece series, we've seen Orochi die twice, with the first being at the hands of Kaido, the leader of the Beast Pirates who took his head clean off with one strike. Revealing himself to be alive during the War, Orochi slipped into his hydra form and attempted to take on two of Wano's resistance fighters, the vassals of Oden in Kinnemon and Kyoshiro.

When the Shogun of Wano Country attempted to kill the two samurai in his strongest form, they promptly severed his hydra heads from their long necks, seemingly killing Orochi once again. Though this time, it would seem that the former Shogun is far less willing to stick his neck out, considering he's lost his head twice when it comes to his doubles. Needless to say, it will be interesting to see if Orochi actually manages to survive the War for Wano as both heroes and villains alike are seeking to put him out of his misery.

Do you think Orochi will survive this insane battle? Who do you think will emerge victorious between Luffy and Kaido? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line. 
