
One Piece Confirms the Shocking Identity of Shanks’ Brother

The One Piece manga has finallt confirmed the identity of Shanks’ brother.

One Piece Shanks Shamrock
Toei/Shonen Jump

The One Piece manga is currently featuring the highly-anticipated Elbaf Arc where the Straw Hat Pirates visit the strongest country in the world. The Giants welcome the crew with open arms and treat them like allies. Elbaf is an isolated Kingdom that isn’t affiliated with the World Government. This is why, they aren’t afraid of letting outlaws stay with them. Shortly after the chaotic battle in Egghead, Luffy, and the crew are in for a new adventure in this mysterious land. Meanwhile, trouble is looming in the underworld when two Holy Knights make an unexpected appearance.

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Gunko and a person who looks exactly like Shanks are in Elbaf to recruit Loki into their ranks. It’s also worth mentioning that the position of Holy Knight is only reserved for World Nobles since they are people who enforce laws among the Celestial Dragons. Loki is the only one who got such an offer and he rejects them without a single thought. One Piece Chapter 1137 reveals what happens to Loki, as well as the identity of Shanks’ brother. While Shanks having a brother was only a theory before this chapter, his character design is pretty much an indirect confirmation. Although the manga has yet to explain his relationship with Shanks, their uncanny resemblance is undeniable.

Warning: Spoilers from One Piece Chapter 1137 ahead!

One Piece Shanks Brother

One Piece Chapter 1137 Introduces Figarland Shamrock

Shamrock Figarland is Shanks’ brother, or likely his twin brother. He has the same face but still looks different because of his long hair and noble attire. Shamrock has two arms, meaning the theory about Shanks pretending to be a pirate and actually working as a Holy Knight is finally in the mud. Shamrock was first introduced in Chapter 907 where he meets Gorosei during the Reverie. He says he wants to talk about a certain pirate, but the manga doesn’t reveal who. Shamrock’s appearance left the One Piece community in shambles as fans were divided over the possibility of Shanks having a brother or working for the World Government.

Shamrock means a three-leaf clover symbolizing good faith, hope, and love. However, it’s unclear why his name isn’t Saint Shamrock Figarland like his father and the rest of the World Nobles. Just like his father and brother, Shamrock, the eldest son of Garling Figarland, is a swordsman. This implies that Shamrock may have more siblings. After Saturn died in Chapter 1125, Figarland Garling took over his position. This means his eldest son, Shamrock, becomes the new Commander of the Holy Knights. They will be powerful adversaries in the Final Saga, as their display of strength is already quite overwhelming.

Shamrock not only wishes to recruit Loki, but he wants to force the Giants into submission. As the strongest country in the world, Elbaf has always been a target of the World Government. Once Loki refuses them, Gunko starts attacking him. Loki is unable to fight back since he is crucified and weakened because of the sea prism stones. However, he doesn’t yield despite what she does to him. Realizing that forcing Loki is futile, Shamrock reveals his face and says they need to change their tactic. They will now contact Marie Geoise, likely to bring more reinforcements and bring Elbaf on their knees.