One Piece Creator Inks New Sketch of Kaido and Big Mom

Eiichiro Oda takes a crack at the biggest villains of One Piece's Wano Arc.

In One Piece's history, anime fans have had the opportunity to learn about the past of each member of the Straw Hat Pirates, either via exposition or well-placed flashbacks. The heroes of the Grand Line weren't the only characters who had their previous stories told, as the villains would often receive some serious backstory. Such was the case with Kaido and Big Mom, as Eiichiro Oda is looking into the past for the former Rock Pirates with some stellar new art.

While Big Mom might have been the biggest villain of the Cake Island Arc, the antagonist would return in a bid to get revenge against Luffy and his Straw Hat Pirates. Even though Mom and Kaido had a past relationship in their earlier swashbuckling days as two members of the legendary Rock Pirates, the pair weren't exactly on the friendliest of terms. Unfortunately for the world at large, the two giant villains were able to put their differences aside as they were united in their hatred of Luffy and were more than willing to team up to take over the world. Since the duo lost the War for Wano Arc, its questionable whether they'll make an appearance in the final saga.

One Piece: Kaido x Big Mom

When last we saw Kaido and Big Mom, they were presumed dead as they fell into the depths of Wano's magmatic core. For those who were fans of the villains, there might be a glimmer of hope as Eiichiro Oda has had more than a few fakeouts when it comes to character deaths. In the War For Wano Arc, anime fans witnessed Orochi dying a handful of times but coming back from the grave time and time again.

The Final Saga hasn't seen Luffy and his crew taking on villainous swashbucklers, but rather, fight against the World Government and their strongest members, the Five Elders. With Dr. Vegapunk dropping some serious knowledge as to the history of the world and the dangers that are coming to the Grand Line, the final saga has already given us one of the biggest battles of the franchise to date. 

Want to see if Kaido and Big Mom return from their dead in the final saga of One Piece? Follow along with Team Anime on ComicBook for all the latest updates on the Grand Line and hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.