One Piece has returned in full force following its hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic, stunning fans with its latest animated sequence that shows Zoro battling against the heinous Kamazo. Toei Animation stepped up the game when it came to the animation used during the Wano Arc, giving us one of the best animated fights of the series in episode 934 of One Piece. Needless to say, fans on social media have shared their love of the scene in question and marveled at the animation style that was employed to show off the amazing swordsmanship of Roronoa Zoro!
Videos by
[via One Piece]
— Funimation (@FUNimation) July 31, 2020
What did you think of this stunning animation from the latest episode of One Piece’s anime? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the Straw Hat Pirates!
I Would Start But That Length!
I would start watching One Piece, but it’s going to take me like 10 years just to catch up🤣
— DeAndre Baker (@JRPG_Junkie) July 31, 2020
Top Tier
I would start watching One Piece, but it’s going to take me like 10 years just to catch up🤣
— DeAndre Baker (@JRPG_Junkie) July 31, 2020
Down For It
@JetBlackOni. Idk when they changed the animation style for one piece but im down for it
— Rico Sensei (@RicoSkate44) July 31, 2020
The Anime Improves On The Manga
This is when the anime does something great. In the manga it wasn’t that epic. But man I didn’t expect the animation to be so god tier in this battle.
— Jesús Ϟ Vanegas (@deJesusVanegas) August 1, 2020
Better Than Dragon Ball Though?
This animation is better 😉
— TheShotGun_Prodigy/その男 神話 伝説 散弾銃 天才 ™️ (@ShotGun_Prodigy) July 31, 2020
It’s Come A Long Way
I can’t wait to see this fight 😎 @OnePieceAnime has come a long way with animation style!
— mrlovetrain007 (@mrlovetrain007) August 1, 2020
One Piece is THEE BEST!
And this is one piece is one of thee BEST
— Garrett (@SummerVillain40) August 1, 2020