One Piece Gives One of Its Iconic Scenes a Special Makeover

The world of One Piece has gotten exponentially bigger as a result of the Wano Arc, not just with the events taking place in the present, but also in the past. With the latest storyline giving fans plenty of insight into the lives of some of the biggest pirates of the Grand Line long before Luffy took to the seas, one of the biggest moments involving Gol D. Roger has received an official coloring that adds a new splash of paint to the prolific pirate.

The flashback scenes of the Wano Arc are instrumental in laying the groundwork for the battle that the Straw Hat Pirates are currently a part of, with the life of Kozuki Oden, the potential savior of Wano Country, intersecting with not just Gol D. Roger, but with the likes of Whitebeard and several other key players in the world before Luffy assembled his crew. With Oden being a part of both Whitebeard and Roger's crews, the wandering samurai was able to not just form a family while traveling the Grand Line but was also able to be a part of Gol D.'s crew when the One Piece treasure was discovered.

Twitter User New World Artur shared the colored-in version of the moment from One Piece's manga in which Gol D. Roger discovered the One Piece treasure, wrenched back his head, and laughed, leaving many fans wondering that much more what the legendary treasure actually is: 

While the One Piece treasure hasn't been revealed at this point, Eiichiro Oda has stated in the past that he has informed editors for the Shonen Jump tale as to what Roger found that fateful day. Most likely, the fabled treasure isn't going to be silver and gold, based on Roger's reaction, though we would imagine that this mystery will be revealed before Luffy is able to achieve his goal of becoming king of the pirates, perhaps even being revealed as a part of the Wano Arc.

What do you think of this new take on one of the biggest moments of Gol D. Roger's life? What is your guess as to what the One Piece treasure is? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line. 
