Kaido and his Beast Pirates have been one of the biggest threats that the Straw Hat Pirates have faced to date, as One Piece continues to tell the story of the War For Wano in the pages of its manga, and the latest chapter of the series has shown that the Beast Pirate Captain has suffered a number of new defeats. Though Kaido was able to defeat Luffy in their first fight on the top of Beast Pirate HQ, the captain of the Straw Hats is ramping up for a rematch and a number of developments look to change the tide of the battle.
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Warning. If you have yet to read the latest chapter of One Piece’s manga, Chapter 1021, you might want to steer clear of the rest of this article as we’ll be diving into spoiler territory.
When last we left Robin, the archeologist who threw in her lot with the Straw Hat Pirates, she was looking to take down Black Maria, one of Kaido’s strongest lieutenants. Luckily for the resistance fighters, Robin had a major ace up her sleeve, and it wasn’t her ultimate attack known as “Sea Serpent Snap Dragon,” which used her giant form to whip Maria into shape. Rather, Robin was able to unleash her demonic form in “Demonio Fleur,” and went so far as to place Black Maria into a hold that clearly knocked her unconscious with the “Grand Jacuzzi Clutch,”

While Maria’s faction was distracted by the loss of their leader and the new form of Robin, Brooke was able to unleash the “Phrase D’Armes Orchestra,” attack which was also able to take down all those Beast Pirates that were in front of him. Needless to say, the War For Wano has managed to give each of the Straw Hats their own unique battle to overcome.
Finally, the chapter itself witnesses Luffy eating a month’s worth of food, while Momonosuke realized that if he was going to be a worthwhile asset in the fight against Kaido, he had some serious growing up to do. Begging for the Ripe-Ripe Jutsu to be used on himself, Momo begs to become an adult so that he can transform into a giant dragon and take the war directly to Kaido, the man that murdered his father.
What do you think of the many losses that Kaido suffered in this new chapter of One Piece? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line.