One Piece Introduces A New Member of the Kozuki Clan

The current state of Wano Country in One Piece was forged as a result of the dreams of Kozuki Oden, with the Beast Pirates attempting to put down any hopes of the ronin's dreams of opening the borders of the isolated nation. Though the War for the fate of the country has come to an end, Eiichiro Oda clearly had many surprises in store for readers as a new member of the Kozuki family has been revealed to a certain Straw Hat Pirates.      

Warning. If you have yet to read the latest chapter of One Piece's manga, Chapter 1053, you might want to steer clear as we'll be diving into some serious spoiler territory.

One of the members of the Wano resistance was the mysterious masked man known as Tengu, who had assisted the Straw Hat Pirates in their titanic fight against the ruthless tyrants that were holding the country in their thrall. Taking off his mask while talking with Nico Robin, Tengu reveals himself to be none other than Kozuki Sukiyaki, the father of Oden and the grandfather to Momonosuke. With Robin being shocked by his reveal, the Straw Hat wonders if Sukiyaki will reveal his secret to Momo, with Tengu responding that it's a secret that he'll continue to hold to close to his chest:

"I have no intention of telling him, although perhaps the Vassals are aware. I am the very man who allowed Orochi to seize control over the land of Wano. How Could I dare go public and declare my survival? By the time I finally escaped from this room with my life intact, Oden had died and Wano has terribly changed. I thought of committing Seppuku, right on the spot..."

Before he continued his tale, Nico Robin asks the father of Oden if an ancient weapon is still within the borders of Wano, with Sukiyaki confirming that "Pluton" is in fact still in the isolated nation, perhaps sowing the seeds for another journey for the Straw Hats to undertake. 

What do you think of this revelation within the world of Wano? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line. 
