Unlike many other manga and anime properties, the series of One-Punch Man seemingly hasn’t been delayed due to COVID-19, but rather due to a “re-draw” of a pivotal scene, and an artist behind the series has hinted that the next chapter release date is nigh with a brand new sketch. With the second season of the series featuring Saitama fighting against the Monster Association along with his superhero buddies, the manga has continued the story of these titanic threats emerging from the depths in order to take over the world and change more regular human beings into monsters themselves!
Videos by ComicBook.com
The next chapter will feature the battle between the young super hero known as Child Emperor versus Phoenix Man as the battle for the world between monsters and heroes continues to heat up. One of the main strengths of One-Punch Man isn’t just its humor and fast paced, break neck action, but also in establishing a world with three dimensional heroes that we are able to follow when we’re not watching Saitama tear his way through opponents across the board. With Child Emperor being a pre-teen wiz kid that has the ability to create machines on the same level as Marvel’s Tony Stark, it’s clear that this young genius is going to make for an interesting opponent with Phoenix Man.
Yusuke Murata, an artist behind the manga series of One-Punch Man, revealed a brand new picture of the young high ranking hero manning his own personal mech suit as he battles against one of the strongest creature within the Monster Association in the form of Phoenix Man:
最初期の童帝戦。お蔵入りページ pic.twitter.com/UaXO9RUPT6
— 村田雄介 (@NEBU_KURO) May 20, 2020
The One-Punch Man anime series ended on something of a cliff hanger, with the “hero killer” Garou being indoctrinated into the Monster Association and Saitama continuing his record of easily dispatching opponents with a single blow. Though a third season has yet to be confirmed for the anime to continue this story, fans are left wondering if JC Staff, the production company behind the second season, will return to the series for its continuing adventures.
What do you think of this brand new sketch from an artist behind the “hero for fun”? Where do you see the war between the heroes and the Monster Association going in the future? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Saitama and his pals!