Blast’s situation was dire in the latest chapters of One-Punch Man, with the top S-Class hero seemingly unable to stop Empty Void’s latest onslaught. But for eager fans following the last several chapters, the more imposing threat has easily been Void’s Dimension Slash, an attack granted by God capable of carving through all known forms of reality. But in the latest chapter of One-Punch Man adapted from ONE’s webcomic, the question of whether Saitama can handle Void’s Dimension Slash is answered.
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Warning: Spoilers Ahead for One-Punch Man’s Ninjas Arc!
One-Punch Man has done well in escalating its terrific villains to greater threat levels while developing its supporting fighters willing to combat these enemies. While we love to see Saitama rough each of these characters up, it’s fascinating to see the creativity that allies and villains respectively bring to the table, especially as an anime prospect. While any news for One-Punch Man season 3 comes at a glacial pace, the exciting possibilities for how future stories play out remain captivating for the fans.
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Saitama Stops Void’s Dimension Slash with His Bare Hands in One-Punch Man
In chapter 209 of Tonari no Young Jump’s ongoing manga adaptation of ONE’s hit webcomic, Void attempts to use his Dimension Slash as a finishing blow, only for Saitama to appear and stop the attack instantly. Saitama catches the massive, celestial blade, ready to carve up the terrain, along with a swing from Void’s second sword, completely nullifying his God-granted abilities. Immediately afterward, he is shown pulling the blade toward him, sending Void into the ground with enough force to make a crater. It effectively showcases one of Saitama’s mightiest, most overpowered feats yet in One-Punch Man.
It’s a predictable moment, given Saitama’s demonstrable ability to stop virtually any attack, this means even the most powerful foe aside from God still can’t hurt him. But as you may have guessed, it’s exciting simply to see Saitama returning to the pages of One-Punch Man, with the Void battle keeping him largely absent, content to get udon noodles with Manako. After Void attacked the Hero Association headquarters, Saitama trusted Blast to handle the threat, confident in the S-Class hero’s abilities to dispatch his foe.
But Saitama’s ability to stop Void’s Dimension Slash is one of the many incredible accomplishments in One-Punch Man for the hero. With his only true challenge being Cosmic Fear Garou in the Monster Association Arc, Saitama, along with other noteworthy opponents like Boros, Saitama is hard-pressed to find a worthy opponent. This only makes the likely future fight with God all the more enticing.

Saitama’s Void Moment Calls Back to Monster Association Arc in One-Punch Man
Calling back to chapter 165 on VIZ Media’s release of One-Punch Man, Saitama is shown able to travel through and subsequently pull or kick away portals. Given his relative ease in thwarting Void’s Dimension Slash, which is performed from outside the normal confines of space, we can all agree that this is fairly common for the Caped Baldy himself. However, the sight of Saitama catching Void’s sword and pinching it between his fingers as if casually holding lightning, is a sight to behold for readers.
This is also the most substantial glimpse of Saitama since the start of the arc, with the fight promptly shifting back between Blast and Void. Saitama even pulled Void’s swords from his hands before throwing him into the dirt, disarming the villain and forcing him to rely more on God’s power. The silliness of the moment is on-brand for Saitama, who casually dismantle all foes before him.
Latest One-Punch Man Chapter Teases How Void Was Tempted by God
The ominous link between this latest One-Punch Man chapter and Saitama’s fight with Garou could signal the battle becoming more heated, especially as Blast’s history is shown in greater detail in the final pages. Blast even hatches a daring scheme to use his teleportation abilities to fuse with Void, killing them both. With a glimpse at Blast with his wife and his son Blue as an infant and Void being tempted by the wife through God’s cube, plenty of answers await in the next chapter of One-Punch Man.
Void exercises greater control over dimensional travel than Garou did. He currently poses the greatest existential threat to Earth since the Monster Association Arc, soon to be commenced in One-Punch Man season 3. We can’t wait to see what happens next as Void was thwarted on two fronts by Saitama’s surprise entrance and Blast’s clever intervention, activating his powers even with one severed hand. Even as Void is humiliated by Saitama and Blast is down by a hand, the next installment will be exciting as we discover whether the One-Punch Man villain still has more tricks up his sleeve.
New chapters of One-Punch Man can be found at Shueisha’s Tonari no Young Jump website, with its continuation currently being localized through VIZ Media’s One-Punch Man portal.