The Psycho-Pass franchise introduced anime fans to a world where crimes could be stopped before they happen. Unfortunately, this method of maintaining society comes with quite a few caveats, which will be made apparent in the next film in the franchise, Pscyho-Pass: Providence. Hitting theaters in North America on July 14th, the next entry in the Psycho-Pass series has released a new clip of its English Dub.
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Psycho-Pass: Providence is produced by Production IG, the studio that has been with the franchise since it debuted over one decade ago. Directed by Naoyoshi Shiotani with an original story crafted by writer Gen Urobuchi, Providence is the fourth feature-length film of the franchise, following the original movie, Sinners of the System, and First Inspector. At present, the creative minds behind the series have yet to confirm if there will be more movies and/or anime adaptations in the future, though it’s clear that Psycho-Pass has developed quite a following.
Psycho-Pass: Providence New Clip
Luckily, like many other anime theatrical runs, Psycho-Pass: Providence will give anime fans the opportunity to catch the movie in either its original Japanese iteration or the English Dub. The English Dub for the latest film includes Kate Oxley as Akane, Robert McCollum as Shinya, Jessie James as Nobuchika, Cherami Leigh as Mika, and Mike McFarland as Teppei to name a few.
If you haven’t heard much regarding Psycho-Pass’s return via Providence, here’s how Crunchyroll and Sony describe the film that arrives in North American theaters later this month, “January 2118. Chief Inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department, Akane Tsunemori, receives a report of an incident on a foreign vessel – the body of Professor Milicia Stronskaya has been discovered. Behind the incident is a group known as the Peacebreakers, a foreign paramilitary organization and a new outside threat who are targeting the professor’s research papers known as the “Stronskaya Document.” Reunited with Shinya Kogami, a former fugitive from the Criminal Investigation Department, Akane grapples with a case that quickly escalates beyond their expectations. The Stronskaya Papers could reveal a truth that would shake Japan’s government, and even the Sibyl System, to the core. It is in this untold story that the missing link is revealed.”
Will you be catching the new Psycho-Pass movie in theaters this weekend? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Providence.