Leiji Matsumoto, the legendary anime and manga creator behind such classic franchises as Space Battleship Yamato, Galaxy Express 999, Space Pirate Captain Harlock and much more, has passed away at the age of 85. The legendary creator has influenced multiple genres and works over the course of his legendary career, and continues to be one of the most respected creators in the medium entirely. This is especially true when accounting for all of the space opera works that Matsumoto had been involved with over the years beginning with the likes of Sexaroid, Submarine Super 99 and more manga and anime projects from a very early age.ย
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As announced by those representing Matsumoto and the creator’s family, Leiji Matsumoto (a pen name) has passed away on February 13th due to acute heart failure. Matsumoto’s eldest daughter had the following to say about the passing, ย “Manga artist Leiji Matsumoto set out on a journey to the sea of stars. I think he lived a happy life, thinking about continuing to draw stories as a manga artist. So we can meet again.”ย
R.I.P. Leiji Matsumoto 1938-2023
Matsumoto’s statement continues as such, “We believe in those words and look forward to that day. To all the fans who have supported us so far, and to the related companies who have brought this work into the world. To all of you, the local governments and organizations that have helped me, the manga artists who have worked hard together since I was young, and the hospitals who have supported me on my journey, I would like to express my deep gratitude. Thank you very much.”
Matsumoto’s career spanned multiple memorable manga and anime releases, but the most famous among fans are likely Space Battleship Yamato (in which he was involved as a director), and later created a full universe from Space Captain Pirate Harlock with the likes of Galaxy Express 999 and its many spin-offs. He even served as a supervisor for one of Daft Punk’s most famous collections of music videos, Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem.
Matsumoto had received multiple awards for many of the works across his storied career, and our thoughts are with the legendary creator’s family, friends, and loved ones in this very difficult time. Now it’s up to fans of his works to celebrate the storied creator.ย
via Nikkan Sports