Super Dragon Ball Heroes is gearing up for the second season of its promotional anime series dropping in March, and the next arc of the franchise will feature a few characters that some fans may not be too familiar with. The original arcade game is exclusive to Japan and has been operating for nearly a decade at this point. This means it has been telling its own stories featuring its own original villains, and the promotional anime series recently played catch up as these original villains will be involved in the future events.
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One villain fans were introduced to with the Prison Planet and Universal Conflict arcs of the promotional anime will be coming back to Super Dragon Ball Heroes, and with Fu coming back to the series for the next stage of his plot, the promotional anime recently revealed his full backstory in the special episode recently launched recapping the finale of the Dark King Mechibakura saga.
In the special episode, fans saw as the Time Patrol (which includes the Xenoverse version of Dragon Ball GT’s characters) worked together to finally take down Mechibakura after an expansive saga of Dark Dragon Balls, multiple time traversing battles, and an army of new baddies from the Demon Realm. With this fight being over, the time guardian Toki Toki unleashed its power and destroyed the realm once and for all.
With the Demon Realm’s destruction nearly at hand, scientist Towa (and her creation Mira) send a baby out through a portal and save it from the realm’s destruction. It’s revealed that this baby is actually Fu, and Towa saved this baby (who is presumably her child) in the hopes that he would one day rule the universes much like they tried to do.
Now Fu’s role in Dragon Ball Heroes gets a lot more context as he’s been working all of his life to avenge his parents. If he’s Mira’s son as well, it does explain the “Super” form too. Mira’s body was a creation of human, demon, Saiyan, Android, and other DNA, so if Fu is a biological child than he inherited these abilities as well.
Fueled by vengeance, intelligence, and potentially a wealth of power, Fu is going to be a dangerous enemy in the second season. Curious to see where Super Dragon Ball Heroes goes next from here? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or talk to me directly about all things anime and other cool things @Valdezology on Twitter!