With anime series such as Dragon Ball, One Piece, Naruto, Digimon, and My Hero Academia landing at Toy Fair 2020, Mobile Suit Gundam has debuted a number of new models that have landed at the event this weekend. Spanning the likes of series such as Mobile Suit: Gundam, Gundam Wing, Gundam Universe, and even the recent crossover of Hello Kitty Vs Mobile Suit: Gundam! With the upcoming models being displayed in all their glory on the showroom floor, it’s clear that the long running mech franchise still creates some of the best models in the business!
Videos by ComicBook.com
Mobile Suit: Gundam recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, releasing a steady stream of news that counted as a wonderful birthday for the franchise. This year is also a special time for the series as it is the 40th anniversary of the first Gunpla, with the first plastic model released in 1980. With Gunplas selling over 500 million products since their inception, it’s clear there will continue to be a market for these as time marches on!