Vinland Saga tells the story of Thorfinn, a young viking whose father is killed at the hands of marauders which sends him on a journey of revenge, and fans of the series created by Makoto Yukimura have been excited since the announcement that the anime would be getting a second season. With the official Twitter Account for Vinland Saga hitting a new milestone of followers, the anime franchise took time out to thank those who have been with the series since the beginning, which has painted real-life events with a fantastical brush that re-imagines world history.
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Reaching 40,000 followers on Twitter, Vinland Saga thanked fans for its popularity since the anime series landed thanks to the creator of Attack On Titan’s first three seasons, Wit Studio, and has continued to gain popularity with both the anime and the manga series marching forward:
Thank you for following me a lot今後も最新情報お届けしますのでご確認お願いします👍
— TVアニメ「ヴィンランド・サガ」/「VINLAND SAGA」Official (@V_SAGA_ANIME) August 12, 2021
We will continue to send you the latest information, so please check it.#VINLAND_SAGA
Vinland Saga is currently available to watch on Amazon Prime, with the streaming service releasing an official description of the series:
“Around the end of the millennium, Viking, the mightiest yet atrocious tribe, has had outbreaks everywhere. Thorfinn, the son of a great warrior, lived his childhood on the battlefield. Now, he is seeking the land of reverie called Vinland. This is the story of a true warrior in an age of turmoil.”
A release date has yet to be revealed for the second season of Vinland Saga’s anime, which will continue the story of Thorfinn following the insane events of the first season’s finale which left the viking story on quite the cliffhanger.
Are you hyped for the arrival of Vinland Saga’s second season? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of vikings.