In a recent interview with IGN (via CBM), Avengers: Age of Ultron star Scarlett Johansson teased that her character will get quite a bit of backstory in the upcoming superhero sequel.”In Avengers 2 we go back..we definitely learn more about Widow’s back-story, and get to find out how she became the person you see,” Johansson said. “All of these characters have deep, dark pasts, and I think that the past catches up to some of us a little bit.”That makes sense, given that pretty much all we know so far about her character is that she’s seen palling around with Bruce Bannner — the other Avenger with the darkest, most private past (all of Tony Stark’s sins, for instance, have happened with the whole world watching and Captain America is pretty unimpeachable).
Avengers: Age of Ultron To Explore Black Widow’s Deadly Backstory
In a recent interview with IGN (via CBM), Avengers: Age of Ultron star Scarlett Johansson teased […]