director Neil Marshall has been tapped to direct the pilot Constantine, from Warner Bros TV and NBC, Deadline reports.”If you have seen The Descent you know why this is awesome,” DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns said via Twitter, sharing the link.Based on the DC Comics character, Constantine centers on John Constantine, a con man-turned-supernatural detective who is thrust into the role of defending humanity against dark forces. The character is most widely recognized outside of comics circles as having been the subject of a 2005 film starring Keanu Reeves in the title role. A comic book starring Constantine, titled Hellblazer, ran at Vertgo for 25 years before being cancelled and rebooted as Constantine, with a new #1, for DC Comics’s The New 52 initiative.No one has yet been cast in the drama, although at least four characters’ names and descriptions were recently released to casting agencies, including Constantine himself and his longtime muscle/driver Chas.The pilot was written by Daniel Cerone from a story by Cerone and David S. Goyer. Marshall recently helmed the pilot as well as the third episode of Michael Bay’s Starz pirate drama Black Sails and an episode from the upcoming fourth season of HBO’s Game Of Thrones.
Constantine Pilot Recruits The Descent Director Neil Marshall
The Descent director Neil Marshall has been tapped to direct the pilot Constantine, from […]