It’s the holidays, and a lot of people are getting in touch with family and friends they haven’t spoken with in a while. That, apparently, includes DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio, who has kicked off some speculation by hinting about a long-awaited return on his Facebook page.”Merry Christmas to Everyone!” DiDio wrote. “Even you Wally. maybe I’ll see you in the New Year.”Now, this could easily be taken as DiDio having a little bit of fun with the fans, but given that he’s been harassed at every convention for the last year-plus about the absence of former Flash Wally West, it seems a poor choice.Of course, DiDio has been one of the most vocal advocates of keeping Wally gone, telling those same convention audiences that there’s simply not enough support for the character to keep him in circulation.
Dan DiDio Teases The Return of Wally West
It’s the holidays, and a lot of people are getting in touch with family and friends they haven’t […]