2015 could very well be covered the year of Skottie Young. His charming artwork graced the covers of a multitude of Marvel books throughout the year, and when he wasn’t doing that he was launching his own book, Hate Fairyland.
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Gentle Giant Ltd has taken his adorable artwork and sculpted his style into a line of equally adorable statues, starting with Captain America, Iron Man, and Thanos. The team at Gentle Giant Ltd has captured every part of his style so well. The big cartoony eyes, rounded features, and expressive faces are here in full detail, and Thanos even comes with a death balloon.

To see how well Young’s style transferred, here is one of his covers from which the Thanos statue was based on. You can see more shots of the statues themselves in the gallery, and you can pre-order each of these directly from Gentle Giant’s site. Each one will run you about $65.00.