Announced during the Image Expo, writer Kyle Higgins and artist Rod Reis’s new, ongoing Image Comics series C.O.W.L., which follows a ’60s Chicago labor union for superheroes, didn’t get quite as much attention as it probably deserved, lost in a sea of major new stories. Today, the pair spoke in a little more depth about it.Based on concepts introduced in Higgins’s short superhero film The League (check out the trailer below), and co-written with Alec Siegel, Higgins’s collaborator on that film, the series asks the question: “What happens when superheroes are no longer the beacon of hope they once were in the eyes of the public?” Set in 1960s Chicago, a labor union of superheroes must work together to regain the confidence of the public and ferret out threats inside and outside their offices.”The biggest threat facing C.O.W.L. in 1962 is one of purpose. With the last of the great villains taken down—and their contract with the city about to expire—the union faces questions about their role in Chicago,” said Higgins. “On top of new mob-manufactured villains, jurisdiction battles with the Police, internal leaks, and a secret history that—if exposed—could topple the entire organization.”Reis’ art for C.O.W.L. departs from the traditional superhero-comic-style and was influenced by different time periods and mediums. “The idea is to use some of my influences of 60s’ illustration, noir movies, and Graphic Novels from 80s to emphasize the feeling of politics and intrigue,” said Reis. “You will see super heroes in the book, but not the way you are accustomed.”A mystery of history, crime-fiction, and superheroes, the first issue of C.O.W.L. arrives in stores on 5/28 and will be available for $3.50. It can be pre-ordered using Diamond Code: MAR140477.
Kyle Higgins and Rod Reis Talk Image Comics’s C.O.W.L.
Announced during the Image Expo, writer Kyle Higgins and artist Rod Reis’s new, ongoing Image […]