Steal Back Your VoteBillionaires and Ballot BanditsTales From the Crypt of Democracy ComicBook.comNew York TimesWe’ll start with Greg, because…well, Greg, this is your first-ever comic book convention. How are you coping with the press of insanity the minute you walk in the door here?Greg Palast:
Amazing Spider-ManGP:Ted Rall:GP:TR:It’s weird, though, because if you get too small it’s all guys who want to come and buy old issues of Batman.
And, Greg, you’re not used to that because you’re a best-selling writer and you’re pretty used to commanding the room.GP:And once people start reading your stuff, they stick with you, so the idea of opening up to a new audience is really essential for somebody who’s got an audience dynamic like that.GP:You guys have the show today, but other than that are you still touring in support of the books?GP:Vultures’ Picnic