
No Point of Origin: X-Men Movies We Don’t Need

X-Men Origins: Wolverine kicked open the door to the summer movie season, raking in huge dollar […]
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

kicked open the door to the summer movie season, raking in huge dollar amounts, but not necessarily rave critical reviews. With word of a Deadpool film in the supposed works, and an origin film of Magneto already in development, can it be safe that say that a wave of these origin films and spinoffs will follow?

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Safe bets such as Cyclops, Storm and Professor Xavier would probably be on the table at some point in the dialogue, but who else should be considered? More importantly, would there be a glut of characters who don’t need to have films suddenly finding the green light?

If that’s the case, then let the voices of protest rise up as one if any of the characters mentioned below come up for discussion as possible subjects for future origin films, be they villain or hero.

Dazzler X-Men
Sabretooth X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Angel X-Men: The Last Stand
Psylocke X-Men
Banshee Giant Size X-Men #1 X-Men

Perhaps one day these characters will flesh out enough for the silver screen, even those who are possibly, for now, deceased in the comics realm. For now though, let them be content with their storied places in X-Men history, on the page anyway.