With Grant Morrison’s years-long run on the Batman titles drawing to a close in June (or is it July? We’ll see soon enough…), there’s been a lot of looking back and taking stock of the over-arching story he told during the last eight years or so.One of the sticking points of it all, of course, is how it fits into the world of the New 52. Honestly, it doesn’t–and that’s reflective of a judgment call that DC Comics made going into the relaunch. It’s a call that might be questioned–but it’s not unique.In the same way that Morrison was able to basically carrying on telling his pre-relaunch stories, provided he avoided Stephanie Brown and let them put “The New 52” on the covers, Geoff Johns was similarly not forced to alter his Green Lantern stories to suit the New 52. In both cases, the other writers on staff, some working with the same character, seem to have been asked to behave themselves and make everything fit, which made things seem a bit wonky and which will likely be resolved once the auteurs in question are gone over the summer.
The Dark Knight Reflected: How Morrison is Like Nolan
With Grant Morrison’s years-long run on the Batman titles drawing to a close in June (or is it […]