Marvel‘s Ultimate line of books as been wildly populer and it’s set to get even better with the publisher’s latest tease for the line revealing when Ultimate Sabretooth will debut, along with several other major plot elements. Marvel’s Ultimate line has followed a simple mandate — find ways to tell new stories with the heroes of its universe. Hence, the horror manga feel of Ultimate X-Men, Ultimate Spider-Man‘s family dynamic, the supernatural aspects of Ultimate Black Panther, The Ultimates as a group of rebels on the periphery, and Ultimate Wolverine transforming its titular character into the Winter Soldier taking on a very different mysterious past for Logan all being a part of that theme.
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Marvel’s press release reads as follows: “Across five hit ongoing titles, the new ULTIMATE UNIVERSE captivates readers with bold storytelling, unpredictable twists, and modern reinventions of the Marvel Comics mythos! Now in its second year, the line continues to ignite the industry, scoring multiple printings and bringing new and returning fans to the comic shop month after month. The superstar creators behind this new venture, including mastermind writer Jonathan Hickman, are only just getting started! This summer, the Maker’s return unleashes some surprising developments for this twisted world he created, and fans should stay tuned for upcoming announcement about new ULTIMATE comic launches. In the meantime, peek ahead at what’s coming to the ULTIMATE UNIVERSE this May, including the exciting debut of ULTIMATE SABRETOOTH, Peter and Richard’s first super hero outing together as SPIDER-MEN and more! “

After that, it goes into each of the books and what’s coming in the May issues. Ultimate Black Panther #16 will see Black Panther and Storm discover the identity of a CIA agent in Wakanda, all while the prophecy of their eventual union hangs over their head. The Ultimates #12 sees a dispute between members lead to a shocking departure. Ultimate Spider-Man #17 sees the Sinister Six go up against two Spider-Men — Peter and his son Richard, wearing the black picotech costume. Ultimate X-Men #15 will focus on how Hisako’s inner journey could spell doom for her teammates. Finally, Ultimate Wolverine #5 will see the first bits of Logan’s past rear its head, as Ultimate Sabretooth decides to crash the party.
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All of these are great on their own, but two of them definitely standout the most. The first is obviously the debut of Ultimate Sabretooth. Ultimate Wolverine #1 began the process of revealing this new Logan’s dark past — at some point, he was partnered with Nightcrawler before the Russian troops were able to capture him and begin their cruel experimentation. Ultimate Sabretooth coming into the picture will certainly reveal even more about Logan’s mysterious past — if there’s one thing Sabretooth’s good for in Wolverine’s life, it’s bringing the past with him.
Ultimate Spider-Man‘s reveal that young Richard Parker will fight alongside his dad is a culmination of what readers have already been seeing the book. Ultimate Spider-Man has introduced a new symbiote suit, one made of picotech rather than being an alien. The suit was able to mimic Peter perfectly, and allowed Richard to patrol the city as Spider-Man while his father was in Kraven’s clutches. The book has already teased the suit’s love for Peter and his family, much like the original alien symbiote loved Peter, and Richard wearing it more could lead to something very different — what if Richard an unwitting Venom? This new plot line represents a big big turning point for Ultimate Spider-Man, both because of the battle against the Sinister Six, the opening stages of which readers are feeling now, and what it could mean long term for the Parker family.
May is going to be an exciting month for the Ultimate books. Ultimate Sabretooth is a major gamechanger, and the other books all look to be adding something special. The Ultimate books are the cream of Marvel’s crop and it looks like it’s going to stay that way.
Are you excited for Ultimate Sabretooth? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section!