Justice League Unlimited has finally hit stores, and fans couldn’t be happier. The World’s Finest team of Mark Waid and Dan Mora were the exact right creators for this book, as the first issue delivers a story full of ups and downs. It builds up several plot lines, with the main plot revolving around an attack on the city of Balhauzer in South Africa. The League sends its alpha team into the mix, where they are attacked by a variety of high-tech weapons under the control of the mysterious group known as Inferno.
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Justice League Unlimited is paying homage to the animated series of the same name, its team roster consists of every hero in the superhero community. Any threat that could challenge this group would have to be powerful and Inferno is looking to fit that bill. While this first issue doesn’t exactly drip with information about the group, there are some clues and reveals that can shed light on the group and its motives. Inferno’s plans look to be a big part of the early stages of the book, and there is definitely more than meets the eye with them.
The Fire That Transforms

Inferno’s attack on Balhauzer is as surprising as it is effective. They definitely have some sort of teleportation technology to get their assets into place and have access to a wide variety of weapons technology. In Balhauzer, they deploy unmanned combat mechs and War Wheels. The War Wheels are definitely the more interesting of the two. War Wheels were created by Professor Merson, an American who had defected to the Nazis. They were used against the Blackhawks, a group of skilled fighter pilots, during the war. A Soviet version would later be constructed and used against the Blackhawks as well. At least one War Wheel is being held in the Blackhawk Victory Museum on Blackhawk Island. War Wheels have made other appearances over the years, and they even showed up in the animated series Justice League, the precursor to Justice League Unlimited. They were under the command of Vandal Savage, which could be a clue as to who is behind Inferno, as Savage is known for using powerful high-tech weapons against his foes.
At one point during the battle, Superman and Wonder Woman both wonder at what the War Wheels and mechs are made of, with Superman saying it’s unlike anything they had encountered. Whoever built these weapons designed them specifically to counter the League, proving whoever is behind the attack either knows them well or has at least done their homework.
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As for their motives in attacking Balhauzer, Red Tornado speculates that they are striking at the iridium supply. Tornado says the attack isn’t meant for theft but is a power move; anyone who controls the world’s iridium supply has control over the world’s electronics industry. Inferno’s goals are either extortion – saying they will keep attacking iridium stockpiles unless they’re paid – or an even more fiendish type of manipulation, one meant to weaken the powers of the world.
After the League destroys Inferno’s machines, Superman finds a communication device, one that shows a hologram of five robed people. This hologram tells Superman that Inferno has set out to become the greatest power in the world, one that will make the people of the Earth beg for mercy. Superman tells Inferno that they were foolish to tip their hand to the League, but the group tells him that they did it as a flex – Inferno isn’t at all scared of the League and wanted to prove that to them, which is why their attack was so obvious and brazen.
Inferno Is Going To Be a Major Foe for the Justice League

Justice League Unlimited throws a lot at the Justice League right off the bat. Inferno’s assault is only one factor; Batman and Blue Beetle find some mysterious eggs – which resemble Face Hugger eggs from the Alien films – in a jungle in Monteverde, Costa Rica. There’s also a threat much closer to home for the League – a traitor within the Watchtower satellite itself. All of these attacks could be unrelated, but a group like Inferno isn’t going to put all of its eggs in one basket. Misdirection is almost certainly the name of the game; it’s safe to assume that it’s all part of one single attack to destroy the Justice League, allowing Inferno the ability to act unfettered against the people of the Earth.
Inferno has access to powerful weapons technology and a keen understanding of strategy. The attack on Balhauzer may seem foolish – they knew that the League would be able to destroy their attack force and made it so the League would be able to cut loose against the unmanned battle mechs and War Wheels. They wanted the League to win, to know that they were coming for the team. This bravado says a lot about the group and how dangerous it is. Seeing as how this new Justice League book is inspired by the Timmverse of animated series, this could all point to Vandal Savage controlling Inferno, but that also feels a little too easy and obvious. Inferno has shown that they are a force to be reckoned with with their opening salvo, one that the Justice League will be lucky to survive.