The Flash: Kayla Compton Talks Allegra's Journey, Previews "The Fire Next Time"

On The CW's The Flash, Central City's team of heroes has grown and one of the heroes who has come to be an important part of Team Flash is Allegra Garcia. Played by Kayla Compton, Allegra is not only an important member of the crime-fighting crew, but she also serves Central City in another role, working with Iris West Allen (Candice Patton) at Central City Media. It's a big difference from how fans first met Allegra, but even as fans have seen Allegra grow and change, the heart of the character has remained the same. This week's episode, "The Fire Next Time", will see Kayla not only be given an opportunity to serve as a mentor, but also to use her journalistic skills as a force for good and for Compton, that's just as important to who Allegra is as a hero.

Speaking with, Compton discussed Allegra's evolution from her "life of crime" and the "beautiful transition" to Team Flash, as someone who is the best she can be, even when she isn't using her powers.

"She was first introduced in handcuffs, as a criminal, and we're led to believe she's potentially committed murder," Compton said. "And she does come from that, you know, rough background — juvie, life of crime — and that makes this cool, beautiful transition over the past few seasons into a part of Team Flash, and she also has her own career going where she's now been given more responsibility. And I think along the way she's maintained a good heart and has tried to stand up for people, be the best hero that she can be, you know, with or without the powers."

She added, "I really like the opportunity that I have to play a character that you know, she's really being led by her heart and has so much honor and is really trying to honor this character that we're introduced to and really trying, you know, to shine a light on people that are overlooked."

Compton also teased a bit about Allegra's big challenge in this week's episode. Previously, Allegra was given a leadership role at Central City Media, something that hasn't been the easiest role for her. Compton said that this week's episode will see Allegra having to navigate a bit of a "sticky situation" professionally, but as always, she just wants to do what is right.

"It's her first real job and she's been given responsibility over an employee and so I think like any of us maybe would have struggled in our first supervising position," Compton said. "She's really having to navigate another person and you know, boundaries and I think she's just put in kind of a sticky situation, and she also wants to do right by Iris and what she thinks is right."

The Flash airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW. "The Fire Next Time" airs tonight, March 23rd.