'Beyond Good and Evil 2' Gameplay Reveal Coming Next Month

Ever since its official re-announcement last year during Ubisoft’s E3 presentation, Beyond Good [...]

Ever since its official re-announcement last year during Ubisoft's E3 presentation, Beyond Good and Evil 2 has been getting some major buzz, particularly with fans that have been waiting ages for the sequel. And soon, we'll be getting a closer look at it in action.

Beyond Good

While speaking with EveryEye, Guillaume Brunier, who serves as senior producer on the project, noted that a gameplay reveal is set to take place on December 10. That means we'll be seeing more of the actual game in action, rather than the cinematic trailer that made its debut last year.

This follows what's already going to be a jam-packed December with new announcements. The Game Awards are set to unfold on December 6, where we'll see a number of new announcements to go along with the handout of coveted trophies; and then two days later, Kinda Funny will host a special online showcase with its own game reveals, replacing the cancelled PlayStation Experience event. So to have Beyond Good and Evil 2 on top of both of those events is pretty nice.

In fact, we could see something related to the sequel at The Game Awards as Ubisoft begins a huge push for it next year, even if its release date remains unconfirmed. It'd be an ideal platform for it, leading into what's to come in the months ahead -- including a beta that's already been confirmed before the game's release.

Now the real question is what we'll see -- as well as who we'll see. We know that Beyond Good and Evil 2 will introduce some new characters, but we also caught a glimpse of the returning Jade in last year's trailer, as well as the latest one that came with this year's past press conference. And, of course, we have Pey'j again, so we're all good.

For now, all we can do is count the days and see what Ubisoft's team has to offer with the game. It's still going to be a long wait as it doesn't have a release date, but at least we'll get an idea of what its structure is all about. Plus, hey, that game world is shaping up to be something else.

Check out the 2018 cinematic trailer from last year below!

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is slated for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, but that could change depending on release date.