BioShock Gets Adapted as a High School Musical

In 2007, 2K Games released one of the most renowned games of all time in the form of BioShock and now, it has been adapted as a musical by high schoolers. This comes after years of Hollywood trying to adapt BioShock into a film. The game nearly made it to the big screen in the early 2010s with Pirates of the Caribbean director Gore Verbinski at the helm and major actors like Ryan Gosling contending for the lead role. Ultimately, the film was shut down as production was ramping up because the studio got cold feet after reviewing the massive budget on the presumed R-rated film. Nevertheless, Netflix recently confirmed it plans to bring BioShock to life, but a group of high schoolers beat them to it.

As spotted by Eurogamer, the Powerhouse choir from John Burroughs High School in California put on a 20 minute musical version of BioShock. While the musical doesn't follow the plot of the game, as that may be too intense and complicated for a brief musical, it does feature the underwater utopia of Rapture and some of its key characters. Andrew Ryan, Sander Cohen, and others make appearances amongst the other dressed up characters who look as if they've been plucked right out of the game. To top it all off, they even included the iconic "Happy New Year 1959" sign, something that emphasizes the haunting nature of the city in the game following its collapse. It's a solid effort from the Powerhouse choir and shows a heck of a lot of creativity. Ironically, BioShock has created controversy within high schools in the past as a student quoted the game in their yearbook, resulting in the school issuing a retraction of the books.

Sadly, there hasn't been a new BioShock game in nearly a decade. The series has laid dormant since the fall of its developer, Irrational Games, after the release of BioShock Infinite. 2K Games has confirmed that a new BioShock is in the works, but there are no concrete details regarding its story, setting, or gameplay. Rumors suggest that BioShock 4 could release as early as this year, but nothing has been announced.

What do you think of the BioShock musical? Let me know in the comments below or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.