
New Borderlands Discovery Shocks Fans: “This Just Blew My Mind”

How did so many Borderlands fans miss this?

A new Borderlands discovery has Borderlands fans over on Reddit losing their mind. Sometime this year, Borderlands 4 is going to release. Until then, many Borderlands fans continue to play Borderlands 3, which released back in 2019. And despite being a little contentious among Borderlands fans, it cultivated a very large player base, and an appreciable number of this large base is not just still playing the zany, madcap post-apocalyptic looter shooter, but talking about it as well. And sometimes, discovering new things about the Gearbox and 2K game.

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To this end, one of the top recent posts on the Borderlands Reddit page is a post pointing out that the name Rhys Strongfork — a character in multiple Borderlands games — is clearly a joke and play on the name Reese Witherspoon. And this clearly went over the head of many Borderlands fans judging by the popularity of the post and the comments on it. In fact, many Borderlands fans didn’t even know his name was Strongfork, but thought it was Strongfort.

“Huh. It was right there the whole time,” reads the top comment. “I knew strongfork was some kind of joke. I just never realized until today,” adds the second top comment.

A third popular comment adds: “This just blew my mind.” A fourth further adds: “2000-plus hours of Borderlands 3 and now I find out it’s Strongfork not Strongfort.”

There are a ton of comments like this, but the point is clear, which is that this joke was missed by many Borderlands fans over the years. In fact, if so many hardcore Borderlands fans missed this, it’s safe to assume the wider and more casual base definitely missed this joke.

Rhys Strongfork, for those who don’t remember, is one of the two main protagonists in Tales from the Borderlands and a major character in Borderlands 3. He also appears in New Tales from the Borderlands. In lore, he is currently the CEO of the Atlas corporation, previously serving Hyperion as a middle manager.

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