Games like Disney Dreamlight Valley can be overwhelming to new players, with so much content to catch up on even as new updates add more. Those just starting their journey in the Valley may be eager to unlock their favorite Disney characters, but first, they need to learn the ropes. Basics like how to earn Dreamlight and which crops have the best financial yield can take trial and error, while other tips are hard to come across without help. Thankfully, veteran Disney Dreamlight Valley players are happy to share their favorite tips and tricks with newcomers to the Valley.
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In a recent post via X, the Disney Dreamlight Valley account asked players to share their top tip for new fans just starting the game. The response was overwhelming, with a ton of replies offering advice for DDV newbies. To help guide new players into the magical world, we’re rounding up the top 10 Disney Dreamlight Valley starter tips shared by longtime players.
Always Bring Villagers Along for the Grind

As you befriend Disney characters in the Valley, you’ll be able to assign them a preferred task. Whether you’re gardening, mining, fishing, or foraging, be sure to do it with a friend – preferably one who has that task as their specialty. Simply ask Mickey, Goofy, or your favorite Disney villager to hang out with you, and they’ll come along as you complete your daily duties.
Not only does this help you get a higher yield from the activity, it also raises your friendship level. Given that you’ll need to grind resources anyway, it just makes good sense to get the most out of it by maximizing the return in items and relationship building.
Prioritize Getting & Upgrading Tools

This is a starter mistake I’m guilty of myself, but it makes a huge difference. Early on, getting all of your tools is key to being able to take advantage of everything the Valley has to offer. But once you unlock every tool, there are also certain quests that will help you upgrade them. Certain areas of the Valley can’t be accessed without fully upgraded tools, making some later quests nearly impossible.
Each tool has a series of different quests to fully upgrade it, so it’s not a quick or easy thing. Still, whenever you unlock a character quest that leads to a tool upgrade, prioritize working through those tasks to open up more of the Valley for exploring.
Hoard Items, Especially Resources

If there’s one thing you need when playing Disney Dreamlight Valley, it’s anything and everything you find on the ground. Many veteran players urge newcomers to hoard everything they find. Certain quests will require massive amounts of items like wood, stone, and clay, so it’s much easier to tackle them when you have these items on hand.
It can be tempting early on to sell everything you pick up to earn coins. However, that leads to longer grinds mid-quest further down the line. Try to hang onto basic supplies instead, using crops and gems as your source of income.
Create an Organized Chest Storage System

All that hoarding means you’ll need somewhere to store it, and fast! To avoid the chaos that easily arises from having a ton of random storage, many Disney Dreamlight Valley players suggest figuring out your organization system early on.
Craft chests at the Crafting Station, then be diligent about what items get stored where. That way, it’ll be easy to find what you need even as you amass a dragon-like hoard.
Pumpkins. Just, Pumpkins

Hands down, the word that comes up the most among veteran Disney Dreamlight Players passing down wisdom is “pumpkins.” While carrots are a great high-value crop early on, gamers near-universally agree that unlocking the Forgotten Lands and becoming a pumpkin farmer is the route to financial success in the Valley.
Pumpkins are the highest-value crop in the game, but can only be unlocked once you spend the Dreamlight to reach the Forgotten Lands. So grow carrots early, then pivot to pumpkins as soon as you can – with a farming friend along to help you harvest, of course.
Unlock Remy ASAP

When it comes to unlocking realms and inviting new characters to the Valley, it’s easy to focus on your favorites first. In the unlikely event that Chef Remy himself isn’t your favorite Disney character, there’s good reason to unlock him first anyway.
Bringing Remy to the Valley unlocks the Chez Remy restaurant, which lets you serve dishes to villagers every day. It’s a quick and easy way to raise your friendship level and unlock more quests. And speaking of quests, Remy and his restaurant are essential parts of many character quests, so you won’t get very far without him around.
Do Dreamsnaps for Free Moonstones

This is a tip I fully admit I learned at today years old, because it is easy to fully overlook or ignore the Dreamsnaps element of Disney Dreamlight Valley. This feature asks you to set up and snap photos with specific elements, and for those who don’t enjoy posing the perfect shot, it can seem like a nuisance.
However, submitting Dreamsnaps is one of the few ways to easily earn free Moonstones in the game. This currency lets you buy avatar items and decorations from the in-game shop, so being able to earn 300 Moonstones a pop for Dreamsnaps is a top-tier tip for making the most of Disney Dreamlight Valley.
Check Scrooge’s Shop Regularly for New Items

If the money-hungry duck annoys you, it’s tempting to avoid Scrooge McDuck’s shop unless you have to go there for a quest. However, he’s got plenty of goods that refresh on a regular basis. To find new avatar items and decor that cost gold, not real-life dollars, it’s important to stop by often to see what he has in stock.
There are also some quests that might require a specific clothing type, such as a mask. These don’t come up in the shop all that often, so grabbing them when they do and hanging on to them for later can help prevent getting stalled in a quest down the line.
Spend Time on Dreamlight Tasks Every Login

Dreamlight is the core currency of magic, and you’ll need it for pretty much everything. Dreamlight is used to unlock new realms and bring new characters to the Valley, and it’s also how you unlock new biomes. It can take a long time to grind all at once, so many players urge you to spend at least some of every play session ticking off a few Dreamlight Duties.
These tasks are usually pretty straightforward daily tasks anyway, but keeping an eye on them helps ensure you earn some Dreamlight for mining, fishing, cooking, and more. That way, you’ll have the Dreamlight you need when the time comes.
Don’t Forget to Slow Down & Enjoy the Story

Another key piece of advice for newer players is to slow down. Yes, there’s a lot of content in Disney Dreamlight Valley, but the game isn’t a race. Enjoy the different quests and stories in the game, especially since each character’s new content will run out eventually.
Rushing through the game just means you’ll wind up waiting for the next update. So instead, take your time with your favorite characters and quests so you can truly enjoy the game for the cozy experience it offers.