
Fall Guys Update Fixes Frustrating Issues, Patch Notes Revealed


Fall Guys got its November update this week which included a couple of helpful fixes for some frustrating issues that have been affecting the game’s store for a while now. After the free-to-play transition happened and more Fall Guys items started rotating in and out of the shop, players found themselves accidently purchasing items they didn’t mean to only to be stuck with that purchase or pursue a refund via the game’s support team. This new update has added a measure which should hopefully prevent this sort of thing from happening in the first place.

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Mediatonic and Epic Games addressed the auto-buy situation previously and apologized to players for the situation while offering an apology gift, too, to make up for the store issue as well as some less-than-helpful customer service experiences. This latest update continues those marketplace improvements with the fixes below now in effect:

Fall Guys November 2022 Patch Notes

  • Fall Guys now has a hold-to-purchase mechanic for all in-game purchases
  • In-game information at the time of purchase will show whether or not an item is returnable or refundable, where to go to request a refund and which account is making the purchase. Please visit our returns and refund request page for more information
  • In order to improve performance and stability on Nintendo Switch, we’ve disabled the video capture feature while we investigate solutions.

Recent developments within the Fall Guys store included the addition of some Star Trek skins and other cosmetics as the game continues to get all sorts of collaborations with other big IPs. More recently than Star Trek which was fitting for the space-themed season, the game got some Ghostbusters cosmetics just in time for Halloween. There are far worse things to end up accidently owning than branded skins like those, but if you’re planning on buying anything else from the store in the future, you should have an easier, problem-free time doing so thanks to this update.

Fall Guys’ latest store update is now live across all platforms.