Far Cry 7 Will Reportedly Be Online Focused

Far Cry 6 may have just been released less than a week ago, but it sounds like those at developer Ubisoft are already working on the next mainline installment in the franchise. And while Far Cry as a series has followed the same general structure since the release of Far Cry 3, it sounds like Far Cry 7 is going to look to shake up that structure quite a bit. Specifically, one report has even gone so far to say that it will be more online focused in nature than ever before. 

According to Axios, a source that has talked to the publication has said that Far Cry 7 will be "more online-oriented" than other games that have released previously. While further details on what this might actually mean for the game weren't given, this is the second such report in recent months that has suggested that Far Cry 7 will shake up the formula quite a bit. Earlier this year in June, Bloomberg's Jason Schreier said that the next entry from Ubisoft would go "go in a radically different direction for Far Cry".

In a general sense, much of what has been expressed in this new report tends to make sense, especially when looking at the moves that Ubisoft has made in recent history. As time has gone on, Ubisoft has shown that it wants many of its titles to be of the live service variety, when possible. One such example of this is with Assassin's Creed Infinity, which was announced back in July. Although the details of this project are sparse, it's essentially going to be a live service take on the Assassin's Creed formula that will evolve over time. And while Ubisoft might not opt to do the exact same thing with Far Cry 7, it definitely seems like the company is trending in that direction.  

If the future of Far Cry 7 ends up being more centered around online components, how would you feel about that change? Be sure to let me know all of your thoughts either down in the comments or hit me up over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.

Conversely, be sure to stay tuned to our coverage here on ComicBook.com in the near future as we'll have a review of Far Cry 6 to share with you soon.