
Final Fantasy XIV Patch 4.2 Live, New Trailer Reveals Return of Classic Series Villain

A massive new update has gone live for Final Fantasy XIV, which will bring new dungeons, new […]

A massive new update has gone live for Final Fantasy XIV, which will bring new dungeons, new content, new PvP content, and much more to millions of players around the world. This morning Square Enix released a trailer for Patch 4.2, which teases most of the major additions and updates. You won’t want to miss that trailer, either; there’s a huge tease at the end that old-school Final Fantasy fans are going to flip out over!

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Yeah, you did see that. That was Kefka at the end of the trailer, and we have no idea what he’s doing there. Chills went down this author’s spine as that 16-bit laughter rang out as the screen faded to black. What a fantastic little shout-out. We can’t wait to learn more!

Patch 4.2 has something for everyone. If you’re a PvP lover then you have a new arena and a new battle format to learn with your team. There are two brand new dungeons to explore, lots of new aesthetic goodies, and a main story quest to sink your teeth into. Here’s the full breakdown from Square Enix:

  • New Main Scenario Quests โ€“ Thanks to the Warrior of Light’s heroic deeds and Raubahn’s long-awaited return, Ala Mhigo continues its steady march towards recovery. All is not well in the East however, with worrying rumors coming out of Doma.

  • New Raid Dungeon โ€“ The next arc in the Omega raid series, Omega: Sigmascape arrives to test the Warrior of Light’s limits even further. With familiar faces from FINAL FANTASY V being summoned up previously, today’s trailer shows Sigmascape populated with features very reminiscent of FINAL FANTASY VIโ€ฆ

  • New Trial โ€“ Meet one of The Four Lords, Byakko, in this challenging new Trial kicking off a fresh series of side quests.

  • New Dungeons โ€“ Two new high-level Dungeons: Hells’ Lid and The Fractal Continuum (Hard).

  • New Beast Tribe Quests โ€“ The Vira, one of the tribes of snake-like Ananta, have long supported the efforts of the Resistance by sending warriors to bolster their ranks. Now they turn to the Warrior of Light for help.

  • Glamour Dressers โ€“ Convert clothing, weapons, and tools into glamours at inns, and combine these into a complete ensemble for convenient customization of player outfits.

  • The Feast PvP Updates โ€“ Alongside a fresh ruleset and the addition of The Crystal Tower Training Grounds map, the new PvP Team System will allow groups of up to six to compete in ranked matches while communicating using a special group chat function.

  • A New Duty Recorder Feature โ€“ Analyze your raids from multiple viewpoints to improve tactics or relive your greatest battles with this new video playback feature.

  • Housing Updates โ€“ New wards and neighborhoods will be added to each of the four residential areas.

  • Updates to bard’s performance actions, additional inventory through the use of a new companion storage feature, new more powerful gear and more.