Rockstar Games Updates Website, Rockstar Social Club Ahead of GTA 6 Reveal

Rockstar Games is gearing up for the GTA 6 reveal.

With the reveal of Grand Theft Auto 6 drawing nearer, it looks like Rockstar Games is doing some behind-the-scenes work on its site and its social platforms to prepare for the new Grand Theft Auto game's first trailer. That work includes some updates for the Rockstar site where the trailer and whatever else accompanies it will inevitably be hosted as well as some changes (and perhaps the end?) for the Rockstar Social Club feature that's been around for years now. We still don't have a date for when the reveal will happen, however, so it's unclear when these changes will culminate in the big GTA 6 unveiling.

If you're not a frequent visitor of the Rockstar Games site, some of the changes may have gone unnoticed, but for those who do visit it often enough, the changes certainly weren't unnoticed.

Rockstar Games Site Update

If you head to the Rockstar Games site yourself, you can see some of the changes that have been made. These changes mostly deal with ease of navigation with new menu options and a refined search feature found on the site now. Take the Rockstar Games logo in the top-left corner as noticed by Rockstar Intel which now expands to show three options once clicked: "Home," "Games," and "Newswire" which pretty much encompass everything you'd possibly need from a Rockstar Games site.

Again, most GTA players probably could make their way around the Rockstar Games site without issue even before these updates, butt he fact that work's being done on the site should hopefully make it even easier to keep up with GTA 6 news moving forward.

Rockstar Social Club


In an even more interesting development, it looks like Rockstar may be rebranding its Rockstar Social Club feature. Being a part of this social platform allows you to do things like further customizations of in-game license plates as well as the option to join up with different crews to play together. It's got some perks to it, but not to the degree that the GTA+ subscription service does.

People in the GTA community will tell you that nobody uses the Rockstar Social Club much, but Rockstar also update its site this week to reflect new stats by saying that over 200 million people are part of the club. Whether you're in it or not, it may not be long for this world, at least in its current form. People also noticed that the Rockstar Social Club site, while still active, doesn't actually mention "Rockstar Social Club" anywhere. References to that name are still present on the support site for it, but on that actual site where you'd sign up and the perks are listed, the word "social" doesn't appear once.

It's unlikely that Rockstar would scrap the service entirely given that it just updated the numbers to show how many people were using it, but it's possible that it'll be overhauled with the reveal and release of GTA 6.

Rockstar Games said previously it's going to be revealing the first trailer for GTA 6 in early December, so expect more on the game to be seen very soon.