
GTA 6 Possibly Teased in New GTA Online Update


GTA Online fans think the new update may be teasing Grand Theft Auto VI. Rockstar Games is one of the most talented video game developers out there and unfortunately, that means they need a lot of time to make sure their products are top notch. There’s a high bar that fans expect from a Rockstar release which sometimes means we have to wait over a decade for a new Grand Theft Auto game. Rockstar is very aware that drives fans pretty crazy, but has always been very meticulous about how it chooses to market its games with teases, the rare trailer, and so on. While you can expect to go into a Rockstar game knowing a great deal about it, you’ll rarely know the full extent of what’s in store.

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With that said, as fans eagerly await the next Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar appears to be teasing fans’ expectations. The brand new San Andreas Mercenaries update for GTA Online was released earlier today and in addition to new missions, vehicles, and quality of life updates, it also included some new clothes. New clothes are hardly shocking, but there’s one new category of clothes simply titled “???” and it’s a t-shirt with a bunch of strange numbers and symbols. People have deciphered the t-shirt’s numbers to be a code that is transcribed as “ONE DAY WILL REVEAL ALL”. Many think this could be the first of a series of teases for GTA 6, but it also might not be. Other players think it’s a tease for some upcoming Halloween content as Rockstar has already teased big plans for such an update later this year.

Some datamined info suggests it could be related to some UFO-related affair, which wouldn’t be shocking. Rockstar Games has toyed with the idea of an alien invasion in GTA Online for a while, but never fully committed to a proper full-scale invasion. If this is the last or one of the last years for this incarnation of GTA Online, now would be the time to pull the trigger on that absurdity.

What do you think is being teased in GTA Online? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.