League Of Legends Attack Speed Jungle Item Still Being Considered In Place Of Current Runes

, but we'd definitely like to get back any stats that created interesting decision making. We're [...]

Master Yi
(Photo: Riot Games)

New runes are slowly being revealed as Rioters continue to preview League of Legends' new Runes Reforged system, and in a recent Runes Corner post, they confirmed they're also still looking at adding new items to compensate for some of the current runes that won't be making the transition to the new format.

As Keystone Runes are revealed, there have been several interesting concepts being tested, but not much has been shown about increasing base stats with some of the lesser runes. One of the main concerns that some players had was a lack of attack speed in the new runes, something that is vital for early jungle clears. The jungle constantly goes through changes, and some readers worried that the rune changes might leave some of their favorite junglers hanging with no viable way to get their first clear done efficiently. Jax and Shyvana were two champs that were specifically brought up when discussing how a lack of attack speed runes might impact their game, but the Rioters replying to the comments confirmed that they're looking at options to make up for those runes that don't make the cut.

"Currently we are exploring a version of Hunter's Machete with 15% AS vs Monsters on it," Riot Wrekz replied. "It is best if Runes Reforged doesn't let you optimize early clear speed because that rapidly compresses to a single viable build for jungling so we are looking at other ways than pregame to influence the jungle."

Another Rioter, Reinboom, expanded on the question later in the comments when a user asked if there would be a rune for each stat to encompass everything from cooldown reduction to attack speed to magic resist. While the attack speed item will look to make up for the inability to stack attack speed runes like players can now, that doesn't mean that attack speed won't be reflected somewhere in the new runes.

"Many stats will be reflected again in the new runes system though," Reinboom said while warning that not every stat would be represented in the new runes. "AD (by way of Adaptive) is there, but also Armor, MR, and CDR we've already previewed. Not every stat will come back in the same form (see: Overcharger with CDR), but we'd definitely like to get back any stats that created interesting decision making. We're trying out AS and early %MS runes internally, for example, and figuring out where they fit."

The Rioters also said that there should be approximately 60 runes total in the new system, so there's definitely a chance for both attack speed runes and items to make an appearance in the new Runes Reforged system.
