
‘League of Legends’ Is Updating 4 Champions’ Visual Effects

Four League of Legends champions are having their visual effects updated with new visuals for […]

Four League of Legends champions are having their visual effects updated with new visuals for Kennen, Olaf, Riven, and Wukong previewed by Riot Games.

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Much like Riot Games has done in the past for champions like Jarvan IV, Veigar, Dr. Mundo, Renekton, and others, these four champions are the latest that’ll receive visual effects update. Visual effects artist Riot Beardilocks said all the updates would be released in Patch 9.4.

“These are updates to the visuals and sounds only, and do not include any gameplay updates,” the Rioter said. “Our aim is to get their FX to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. In Patch 9.4, we’ll be releasing VFX and SFX updates for and Wukong, and VFX-only updates Olaf, Riven and Kennen (he already received some SFX love a few patches ago).”

Starting with Kennen, the Rioter revealed everything about the champion that’s changing in Patch 9.4.


The lightning-slinging flex pick who’s most often seen in the top lane is having all of his visual effects updated with the electrified shuriken and attacks soon to be a much brighter, more noticeable color. Riot Games’ video above shows how the update will change the base version of Kennen, but the champion’s Blood Moon and Super skins are also getting updated.

  • Basic Attack: Basic attacks are more easily distinguished from Q
  • Q: Q is more distinguished from BA, has increased satisfaction and a unique impact VFX
  • W: Increased visual satisfaction
  • E: Kennen has all new VFX for lightning rush. This has a key change to keep Kennen’s silhouette during the animation for gameplay clarity, with an added range indicator. Blood moon Kennen has received a similar update, and Super Kennen has a superhero pose, though it still uses base VFX
  • R: Increased visual satisfaction and reduced noise
  • Passive: When Kennen procs his passive on a champion or monster it now has a clear 3 mark VFX to show the source of the stun. Passive marks on minions are reduced in size and brightness to add clarity to gameplay


Olaf is getting a similar update to clean up the jungler’s visuals and make it easier for both Olaf and his enemies to understand when the axe will hit and how close the champ has to be to pick it up. The champion’s ultimate is also being update to show a more menacing version of Olaf dashing towards champions as he ignores their crowd control.

  • Basic Attack: Basic attacks now have swipes and a new hit effect
  • Q: Q missile now has a hitbox indicator. The pick-up range is now visible. Pick-up also has a new effect
  • W: Increased visual satisfaction and readability. Removed old noisy runes. Heal effect is now clearer, too
  • E: New lightning effect and swipes!
  • R: Clearer and better visuals for R activation and buff. Olaf doesn’t turn just red anymore.


Riven’s constantly using her abilities due to their low cooldown, multi-cast, no resource nature, so players will be seeing her updated abilities quite a bit when she’s played. Each of her abilities is being updated including her passive and her basic attacks.

  • Basic Attack: Cleaned up noise (removed the blood!)
  • Q: All three Q’s have unique slashes, and now properly show the area of damage
  • W: Updated the ability to bring it more into League’s current visual style, while providing more clarity to the hitbox
  • E: Riven’s sword pieces now shield her when she dashes. Also brought the shield up to current VFX standards
  • R: Cleaned up the random visual effects that play around her body/hand, but added more emphasis/glow on her sword. All abilities should now properly reflect the larger ranges during ult, and the Wind Slash is now clearer and more unified.
  • Passive: The hilt of her sword (and the first shard of it) should now glow when her passive is active. Cleaned up the noise.


The last of the four champions being updated is Wukong with everything except the champion’s passive being update, though there’s only so much that could be done with that since it gives Wukong stats based on enemies around him.

  • Basic Attack: Basic attacks now have a swipe and new hit effect
  • Q: Q now has a cleaner more powerful swipe, unique hit effect, and removed noisy fx
  • W: Removed unnecessary amounts of clouds and pushed back visual priority
  • E: New clouds and wisps!
  • R: Clearer visuals