League of Legends Devs Have Several Nerfs Planned for Zeri

One of League of Legends' newer champions, Zeri, has some nerfs on the way that will look to hit several different parts of her kit as well as the champion's most popular builds. Those nerfs haven't yet been released as part of a larger update, but League's devs – and namely the designer of Zeri – have shared the planned nerfs ahead of time to show what's going to change and in what ways it should affect the champion.

Riot August, the designer of Zeri who also created champions like Jinx, Ekko, and more, shared the following set of nerfs for Zeri mains and other League players to check out before they go live. The League dev referenced Zeri's "scary" winrate as one of the reasons for these changes and said the goal for these nerfs is to make the champion fairer to play against.


  • Base AD: 58 >>> 50
  • HP: 500 + 85/lvl >> 480 + 90/lvl
  • Armor: 23 + 3.5/lvl >>> 20 + 3/lvl


  • Damage: 9-25 >>> 10-30
  • Charged rightclick $ max health damage: 3-15% by level 18 >>> 1-10% by level 13


  • CD: 23-19 >>> 23
  • Passthrough damage: 80-100% >>> 60-100%


  • MS/stack: 23 >>> 1.5-23
  • Stacks per champion hit with the AoE explosion: 3 >>> 4

Riot August also provided the context in the tweet below to explain what the goals are for these changes. Lower damage and mobility is a hard nerf for any champion to grapple with, but these changes should also make it so that she's not as powerful with Sheen – a popular pick into more bruiser builds and other purchases – as well as making health-related purchases less attractive options.

These changes haven't yet gone live in the game since they're only just now being shared, but they'll arrive first on the PBE for testing before they're released as part of a live update. The latest update just went live this week, so we're about two weeks out from these changes, assuming they stay the same as they look here.
