
Lost Judgment Is Reportedly Becoming a TV Series

Lost Judgment, which is the 2021 sequel to 2019’s Judgment, is reportedly now being planned to become a live-action TV series. While still unconfirmed, this move would be one way in which Sega is looking to expand on the property moving forward. It also wouldn’t be the first time that Sega has adapted a game in the Yakuza franchise (of which Judgment spins off from) to the live-action medium.ย 

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According to Nikkan Gendai, which is a publication out of Japan, Asashi Television is now looking to adapt the franchise to the small screen. One of the main reasons for this interest in bringing the Judgment series to TV happens to be due to the fact that celebrity Takuya Kimura, who is an actor and pop singer in Japan, plays the central protagonist of Takayuki Yagami in the video games. Rather than only having Kimura only portray Yagami in the games, those at Asashi Television are now wanting him to take his performance one step further.ย 

The report goes on to also state that plans for a movie associated with Judgment may also be in the works to help supplement this TV series. Further details on what the plot might look like for the show haven’t been disclosed just yet, but it would seemingly stay close to the narrative seen in both Judgment and Lost Judgment. At this point in time, Sega, which is the IP holder of the Judgment series, hasn’t commented on this matter, meaning that we don’t know for sure if any of this will come to fruition. If any more news on this is shared in the future, though, we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop here on

Are you someone that would like to see Lost Judgment receive this live-action television treatment? And would you even try to watch it for yourself if it never gets natively localized for the west? Let me know your own thoughts either down in the comments or hit me up on social media at @MooreMan12.

[H/T Kotaku]