Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics showed off a new look at Marvel’s Avengers during the game’s second War Table stream which confirmed Hawkeye as the first post-launch hero announced for the game. This makes a total of seven heroes confirmed for the game now to create a team comprised of Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Ms. Marvel, and now Hawkeye. The big War Table stream following the first from June that showed off new gameplay and trailers also showed a look at how this character would work in Marvel’s Avengers to give players an idea of their playstyle and how they’d fit into the teams.
Videos by ComicBook.com

Like the rest of the heroes, Hawkeye will have a number of abilities unique to their character that other heroes will be able to capitalize on by combining moves or adjusting their loadouts to round out a team. While these abilities weren’t broken down in the trailer, we saw a glimpse of what he can do from him shooting shock arrows at the AIM bots to immobilize them. Other heroes also have had numerous costumes and different gear options revealed that are unique to their designs as well, so the same will be true for Hawkeye.
Though we’ll see Hawkeye added to the game, the hero won’t be playable in the beta. Iron Man, Black Widow, Hulk, and Ms. Marvel will be the only playable characters there, so we’ll have to wait until later to play as Hawkeye.
Hawkeye will also be different from the other heroes in that he’ll have a unique storyline separate from other heroes’ stories you’ll encounter. It’s different in the sense that it can be played through either the solo or co-op modes in Marvel’s Avengers, though details of how that’ll work haven’t been announced yet. The War Table stream called the Hawkeye reveal the first look at how the game will continue to grow after launch, so it sounds like we can expect to see more announcements of this size related to post-launch heroes in the future.
The addition of Hawkeye to the game has been a question on some players’ minds ever since the game’s original cast of heroes was announced. The team working on Marvel’s Avengers has stressed several times before that they hadn’t forgotten about Hawkeye, so his arrival in the game always seemed to be a likely outcome.
Marvel’s Avengers is scheduled to release on September 4th.